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Membership in the Delaware Resilient and Sustainable Communities League

The Delaware Resilient and Sustainable Communities League (RASCL) is a collaborative network of state, nonprofit, and academic practitioners working to create more resilient and sustainable communities in Delaware. RASCL’s work is primarily organized around three core issues: coastal/inland flooding and sea level rise; sustainable land use planning and resilient infrastructure; and hazard mitigation and emergency preparedness.

Who is eligible?

  • Practitioners who provide technical services, knowledge, and/or funding to Delaware's local governments and communities 


  • Government agencies, non-profits, and academic groups working directly on topics related to our core issues

What's required?

  • Participation on at least one RASCL subcommittee


  • Attendance at semiannual general membership meetings


  • Strive to provide in-kind services, supplies, and/or funding to support RASCL events and outreach




How to apply


  • The RASCL Steering Committee reserves the right to invite and decline Members and periodically review participation to ensure Member requirements are met.

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